Application performance can be greatly enhanced with comprehensive monitoring. Various elements can affect its performance in different ways, for example the speed of the application. If the speed of an application gets reduced, it can start affecting end-user experience. Also, without adequate monitoring, it is difficult to determine whether it has already come to a point where it can no longer function at all, and simply crashes.
Application performance monitoring attains utmost significance in the face of cloud computing. Unless monitored and actively maintained, these applications may be forced to perform under their optimal best, leading to loss of time and money. Further, for small businesses, poor application performance may lead to additional cost being incurred in repairs and re-routing some of the work at higher cost.
There are other results of this continuously being below expectations. These include:
> Lack of clarity regarding the application's role
> Disconnect between information on technical aspects and end-user experience.
> Unclear understanding of the way the application works
> Inter-office dynamics or conflicting ideas leading to blame assigning, instead of getting down to resolving issues.
> Complex application environments that can make it difficult to spot issues.
This monitoring needs to be holistic. It also needs to take into account diverse environments, technical platforms, and devices.
Improving application performance through better monitoring
Increased understanding of how the application works can help more comprehensive monitoring. This can include a monitoring solution that allows for greater and deeper visibility across the application and its different environments.
Define the relationship between performance and user-expectation
For monitoring to prove effective, you will need to clearly define the ways in which application performance will affect the end-user experience. It is easier to troubleshoot and take care of smaller issues when the application behavior is understood.
Ensure thorough reports
Reporting is a key factor in successful application performance monitoring. Reports and the data they include can help create an effective monitoring plan, including identifying areas that may need additional attention. Reports can also help you resolve trouble areas without ambiguity, because you have a written account on hand. Application performance monitoring will often take into account history as well, and a thorough report leaves no room for ambiguity.
Communication is essential
In case of issues and problems in your application's performance, ensuring that the team working on resolving it is on the same page is critical to monitoring and repairing any trouble areas in the performance. A thorough report is actually the first step to ensuring smooth communication within the team. A report can set the ground for firm communication by putting into place all the work that has already gone into getting the application running. Further, a report can act as a unifying factor for different team members.
Communication information like numbers, statistics, and data is also very important, more to ensure that the problem within the application is understood by all, thus saving valuable time and efforts.
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